How to calculate percentages

Enter the percentage and the number

How to calculate a percentage of a number. Simple explanation.

A percentage is a part of a number.
100% is the whole number, 50% is half of the number, 10% is a tenth of the number.
For example: 50% of 10 is 5. And 10% of 200 is 20.

How to calculate a percentage of the amount

Calculate percentages. Various methods.

Lifehacks for the lazy.

If you remember the logical values of the most popular percentages, you can easily calculate them in your mind, without a calculator.
50% means – half. To find out 50% of a number, just divide it by 2. For example, 50% of 140 is 70.
25% means – a quarter. To find out 25% of a number, just divide it by 4. For example, 25% of 160 is 40.
10% means – a tenth. To find out 10% of a number, just divide it by 10. For example, 10% of 160 is 16.
5% means – one twentieth. To find out 5% of a number, just divide it by 20. For example, 5% of 400 is 20.

Lifehacks for calculating percentages

Classic approach to calculating %

Suppose we need to find out 16% of the number 300.
First, convert the percentage to a fraction. To do this, remove the % sign and divide the number by 100.
16% – 0.16
Then multiply the resulting number by the given number and add the % sign:
0.16 * 300 = 48

How to calculate the percentage of one number from another

How to calculate more than 100% of a number

To calculate more than 100%, move the decimal point two places to the left. Multiply the resulting number by the given number.
For example. To calculate 200% of the number 120.
200% – 2.00
2.00 * 120 = 240

Find out more than 100% of the amount

Simple steps to learning how to calculate percentages

  • Understanding the essence. A percentage is one hundredth of a number. That is, 2 percent is the fiftieth part, and 10% is its tenth part.
  • Use the lifehacks from our article. They will help you quickly learn to calculate percentages without a calculator.
  • Use percentage tables. Visual illustrations will help understand concepts such as – part, share, whole.
  • Practice calculating percentages in life. Discounts in stores, % on loans or shares in companies. Percentages are deeply intertwined in our life and should be utilized. Everyday things are easier to grasp than abstract concepts.