Date Calculator

Calculate how many days have passed

What is a day calculator?

This online service helps you find out how many days have passed between two dates. It replaces manual counting, allows for quick results, and prevents you from making errors.

How to use the calculator:

  • Select the start date
  • Select the end date
  • Press the calculate button
  • The calculator will automatically perform the calculation, and you will be able to find out the exact number of both calendar and business days between the dates.

Scenarios covered by our day counter:

  • Counting the number of days between dates
  • How many days are left until an event from today
  • How many days have passed since a date in the past

You can find out:

  • How many days are left until a birthday
  • How many days have passed since the start of the war
  • How long the Queen of the United Kingdom lived
  • How long until New Year's, Easter, Christmas, or Summer

Counting the number of days between dates

Not everyone has a calendar handy to accurately calculate this figure, and the process itself can be quite complex. Therefore, the date calculator greatly simplifies this task. Enter the initial and final event, press Calculate, and the calculator will instantly show the result.

How many days are left until or have passed since an event

Using this calculator, you can determine the number of weekdays, weekends, or other selected days of the week between two dates. Simply enter the start and end date for calculation, and you will be provided with full information on both the number of working and calendar days until or after any important event.