What is a cube volume calculator?

This online solution allows you to quickly calculate the total space of a figure. Simply input the size of the cube's side and the result will instantly appear on the screen. Calculating the area of an equilateral three-dimensional space can be done by raising the edge to the third power, or simply – by multiplying the side by itself three times. To avoid errors, rounding with non-integer numbers, and to slightly speed up the calculation – use our cube volume calculator as the most pleasant alternative to mechanical calculations.

Our solution helps solve various problems:

  • For studying basic geometry in school
  • You need to know the volume of water in a tank with equal sides
  • Professionally dealing with liquids or gases

How to use our counter

  • Enter the length of one side in the field
  • Press the Calculate button
  • Receive the instant result in the window below the form

A bit of theory

What is a cube?

Let's start from the beginning. A cube is a three-dimensional object consisting of 6 faces, it is a regular polyhedron accordingly all its faces are equal. In theoretical geometry, there are many analogs of this figure. For example, in four-dimensional space, a cube becomes a tesseract, and for any other x-dimensions – a hypercube.

Volume of a cube

Volume is the amount of total space inside a solid. It is expressed in cubic units placed in a certain space. In other words, volume is the number of cubes that fit into a three-dimensional object. That is, to measure the volume of a cube we use the same geometric figure in a reduced form (1x1x1) and simply count the sum of all the cubes that fit into this space.